温室效应(西班牙语 Efecto Invernadero,英语 greenhouse gases)是指透射阳光的密闭空间由于与外界缺乏热交换而形成的保温效应,就是太阳短波辐射可以透过大气射入地面,而地面增暖后放出的长波辐射却被大气中的二氧化碳等物质所吸收,从而产生大气变暖的效应。大气中的二氧化碳就像一层厚厚的玻璃,使地球变成了一个大暖房。据估计,如果没有大气,地表平均温度就会下降到-23℃,而实际地表平均温度为15℃,这就是说温室效应使地表温度提高38℃。 温室效应,又称“花房效应”,是大气保温效应的俗称。大气中的二氧化碳浓度增加,阻止地球热量的散失,使地球发生可感觉到的气温升高,这就是有名的“温室效应”。破坏大气层与地面间红外线辐射正常关系,吸收地球释放出来的红外线辐射,就像“温室”一样,促使地球气温升高的气体称为“温室气体”。二氧化碳是数量最多的温室气体,约占大气总容量的0.03%,许多其它痕量气体也会产生温室效应,其中有的温室效应比二氧化碳还强。 大气能使太阳短波辐射到达地面,但地表向外放出的长波热辐射线却被大气吸收,这样就使地表与低层大气温度增高,因其作用类似于栽培农作物的温室,故名温室效应。如果大气不存在这种效应,那么地表温度将会下降约330C或更多。反之,若温室效应不断加强,全球温度也必将逐年持续升高。自工业革命以来,人类向大气中排入的二氧化碳等吸热性强的温室气体逐年增加,大气的温室效应也随之增强,已引起全球气候变暖等一系列严重问题,引起了全世界各国的关注。 除二氧化碳以外,对产生温室效应有重要作用的气体还有甲烷、臭氧、氯氟烃以及水气等。随着人口的急剧增加,工业的迅速发展,排入大气中的二氧化碳相应增多;又由于森林被大量砍伐,大气中应被森林吸收的二氧化碳没有被吸收,由于二氧化碳逐渐增加,温室效应也不断增强。据分析,在过去二百年中,二氧化碳浓度增加25%,地球平均气温上升0.5℃。估计到下个世纪中叶,地球表面平均温度将上升1.5—4.5℃,而在中高纬度地区温度上升更多。 空气中含有二氧化碳,而且在过去很长一段时期中,含量基本上保持恒定。这是由于大气中的二氧化碳始终处于“边增长、边消耗” 的动态平衡状态。大气中的二氧化碳有80%来自人和动、植物的呼吸,20%来自燃料的燃烧。散布在大气中的二氧化碳有75%被海洋、湖泊、河流等地面的水及空中降水吸收溶解于水中。还有5%的二氧化碳通过植物光合作用,转化为有机物质贮藏起来。这就是多年来二氧化碳占空气成分0.03%(体积分数)始终保持不变的原因。 但是近几十年来,由于人口急剧增加,工业迅猛发展,呼吸产生的二氧化碳及煤炭、石油、天然气燃烧产生的二氧化碳,远远超过了过去的水平。而另一方面,由于对森林乱砍乱伐,大量农田建成城市和工厂,破坏了植被,减少了将二氧化碳转化为有机物的条件。再加上地表水域逐渐缩小,降水量大大降低,减少了吸收溶解二氧化碳的条件,破坏了二氧化碳生成与转化的动态平衡,就使大气中的二氧化碳含量逐年增加。空气中二氧化碳含量的增长,就使地球气温发生了改变。但是有乐观派科学家声称,人类活动所排放的二氧化碳远不及火山等地质活动释放的二氧化碳多。他们认为,最近地球处于活跃状态,诸如喀拉喀托火山和圣海伦斯火山接连大爆发就是例证。地球正在把它腹内的二氧化碳释放出来。所以温室效应并不全是人类的过错。这种看法有一定道理,但是无法解释工业革命之后二氧化碳含量的直线上升,难道全是火山喷出的吗? 在空气中,氮和氧所占的比例是最高的,它们都可以透过可见光与红外辐射。但是二氧化碳就不行,它不能透过红外辐射。所以二氧化碳可以防止地表热量辐射到太空中,具有调节地球气温的功能。如果没有二氧化碳,地球的年平均气温会比目前降低20 ℃。但是,二氧化碳含量过高,就会使地球仿佛捂在一口锅里,温度逐渐升高,就形成“温室效应”。 形成温室效应的气体,除二氧化碳外,还有其他气体。其中二氧化碳约占75%、氯氟代烷约占15%~20%,此外还有甲烷、一氧化氮等30多种。 如果二氧化碳含量比现在增加一倍,全球气温将升高3 ℃~5 ℃,两极地区可能升高10 ℃,气候将明显变暖。气温升高,将导致某些地区雨量增加,某些地区出现干旱,飓风力量增强,出现频率也将提高,自然灾害加剧。更令人担忧的是,由于气温升高,将使两极地区冰川融化,海平面升高,许多沿海城市、岛屿或低洼地区将面临海水上涨的威胁,甚至被海水吞没。20世纪60年代末,非洲下撒哈拉牧区曾发生持续6年的干旱。由于缺少粮食和牧草,牲畜被宰杀,饥饿致死者超过150万人。 这是“温室效应” 给人类带来灾害的典型事例。因此,必须有效地控制二氧化碳含量增加,控制人口增长,科学使用燃料,加强植树造林,绿化大地,防止温室效应给全球带来的巨大灾难。 科学家预测,今后大气中二氧化碳每增加1倍,全球平均气温将上升1.5~4.5℃,而两极地区的气温升幅要比平均值高3倍左右。因此,气温升高不可避免地使极地冰层部分融解,引起海平面上升。海平面上升对人类社会的影响是十分严重的。如果海平面升高1 m,直接受影响的土地约5×106 km2,人口约10亿,耕地约占世界耕地总量的1/3。如果考虑到特大风暴潮和盐水侵入,沿海海拔5 m以下地区都将受到影响,这些地区的人口和粮食产量约占世界的1/2。一部分沿海城市可能要迁入内地,大部分沿海平原将发生盐渍化或沼泽化,不适于粮食生产。同时,对江河中下游地带也将造成灾害。当海水入侵后,会造成江水水位抬高,泥沙淤积加速,洪水威胁加剧,使江河下游的环境急剧恶化。温室效应和全球气候变暖已经引起了世界各国的普遍关注,目前正在推进制订国际气候变化公约,减少二氧化碳的排放已经成为大势所趋。 科学家预测,如果我现在开始有节制的对树木进行采伐,到2050年,全球暖化会降低5%。
Global Warming At present, with the development of economies around the world may feel that the climate is becoming more and more warmer. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases. It is considered to be one of the greatest reasons of global warming. It’s very serious, but many people can’t recognize that because the only think about themselves. They don’t mind the climate becoming warmer. They don’t mind the ice melting. They don’t mind how many animals become extinct. They don’t mind how many coastal cities become flooded . They don’t mind…… They are wrong. Global warming can have many strong influences for us. For example: Global warming will make trouble with physiology. People will become more easily ill and even breed new diseases. People will pay more and more money for health care but more and more people die. No amount of money or even the best doctors, wll not be able to save your life. Even if you aren’t dying, you will feel sad and alone. So many relatives and friends’ death will make you want to kill yourself. Global warming will give the air and ocean huge power. Thus making large or even super typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis and other disasters. Many houses will be destroyed. Many place will flood. We will be faced with more and more disasters, damning more and more money and life. Rising temperatures will not only create higher sea level, but also will cause droughts. Large-scale areas will become arid and thus food production will be less. We will be without food. People around the world will face food shortages and more and more war will happen for food. If temperatures continue to rise, animals will come out of hibernation early, but will not have the food supply necessary to survive. For example: Insects will eat a lot of forests and crops with no natural enemies. Without forests, global warming will become more and more sercious, creating a vicious cycle. No crops, means no human food. The greatest of global warming is at ice age like in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”, this is a scenario that take place. So we must do something to avoid these things from happening. First, we should use more and more clean energy and less oil and coal. Second, we should go to work by bus or on foot instead of driving. Third, we should plant more trees. The most important point is we should make a habit of saving energy in everyday life. 绝对是原创,你可以从我这400多字里选选改改,变成成自己的 第一段是原因,最后一段是因该怎么做,120词的话,你也可以就看看这两段
Climate warming has become one of the most pay attention to the environmental problems of the contemporary human, increased levels of carbon dioxide in the air and life in the industrial emissions of carbon dioxide and global climate warming has a connection to a certain extent. According to the currentsocial situation, the development of low carbon economy is the trend of The Times.
In this paper, combined with China's low carbon economy development present situation and the characteristics of economic development in henan province, analysis of the development of low carbon economy at home and abroad, at the same time are analyzed in detail the concept of "low-carbon economy", this paper expounds the necessity and the objective inevitability of low carbon economy development in henan province, and puts forward countermeasures and Suggestions in the low carbon economy development of henan province.
This paper is divided into the following six parts:
The introduction mainly wrote a low carbon economy development background and research significance, clarify the causes of low carbon economy development in henan province, the research of low carbon economy development present situation at home and abroad are summarized, and the research contents and methods of this paper for the integrity of the self evaluation. The first chapter expounds the "low carbon economy" concept andconnotation of the term, and the corresponding theoretical basis hasmade the detailed analysis, including environmental kuznets theory,sustainable development theory, the decoupling development theory, ecological theory, laid a theoretical foundation for the next study. The second chapter analyzes the practical significance of low carbon economy development, tells the story of a low carbon economy development and implementation for the economic development of henan province is a very important step. The third chapter earnestly analyzed the current situation of the development of low carbon economy in henan province, start from the energy structure and energy consumption of the province, calculation and analysis of carbon emissions and its influencing factors, provide the theoretical basis for development countermeasures. The fourth chapter according to the current situation of the development of low carbon economy in henan province, compared with the advancedlevel at home and abroad to find their own gap, careful analysis causes the lesson in order to progress. The fifth chapter combines the result of the above analysis and advanced experience both at home andabroad, combined with the economic development in henan province, the feasible countermeasures and Suggestions are put forward.
1.Global warming has posed a serioud threat to the survival of humanity in the future. Few people have realized that what our actions in this time mean more ato our future than ever. More than ever before, the basic survival of our species is threatened by the danger of a no longer stable climate, which will destroy the regularity of almost every parts of our life. As the studies conducted by massive gathering of scientists from all over the world points out, if the global average temperature rised over 2 degrees Celcius, global climate change will be self sustaining, at that point, a no longer stable climate will be the nightmare reality for every inhabitant of earth. Although technology will probably play a key part in saving us from catastrophic troubles, one must not forget that it's technology that got us in this trouble in the first place. In using the techniques developed by those advanced geo-physicists, the future of earth is risked more than climate change, as we have witnessed the unintended consequences of altering nature artificially. Among all the green energy sources, residential solar power generation has the potency to save the world. Few people knows that residential solar generated electricity will be enough for all the uses of the household, maybe even some extra selling back to local utilities. China has the most potential in achieving a Solar Revolution, because China has the most potential in the suply and demand of solar power. Suntect Power ( 尚德) , a remarkable Chinese solar company, offers high quality products in world standard in really low Chinese prices, a miraculous combination. On the demand, a greatest number of residential owners in the world could possible want to get solar generated electricity. If only the Chinese comes up with the right incentives and subsidy to guide the Chinese solar market, it could be the tricker for a revolution that will save humanity from diasters and the change of fortune for China. As the situation entails,everyone of us has responsiblities to protect the planet and ensure the survival of our species. In daily life, try to fulfil the concept of reduce, reuse and recycle as much as one's ability allows and the concept of zero carbon emmission. Using this as these ultimate goals and guidelines, one should try these actions in every means possible and proactively seek and learn better ways to live a green way of life. More importantly, try to use as much green energy sources and products as economic situations allows, especially people in social position, to whom with greater resources lies greater responsibility to use those resources for the greater good.
2.Global Warming At present, with the development of economies around the world may feel that the climate is becoming more and more warmer. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases. It is considered to be one of the greatest reasons of global warming. It’s very serious, but many people can’t recognize that because the only think about themselves. They don’t mind the climate becoming warmer. They don’t mind the ice melting. They don’t mind how many animals become extinct. They don’t mind how many coastal cities become flooded . They don’t mind…… They are wrong. Global warming can have many strong influences for us. For example: Global warming will make trouble with physiology. People will become more easily ill and even breed new diseases. People will pay more and more money for health care but more and more people die. No amount of money or even the best doctors, wll not be able to save your life. Even if you aren’t dying, you will feel sad and alone. So many relatives and friends’ death will make you want to kill yourself. Global warming will give the air and ocean huge power. Thus making large or even super typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis and other disasters. Many houses will be destroyed. Many place will flood. We will be faced with more and more disasters, damning more and more money and life. Rising temperatures will not only create higher sea level, but also will cause droughts. Large-scale areas will become arid and thus food production will be less. We will be without food. People around the world will face food shortages and more and more war will happen for food. If temperatures continue to rise, animals will come out of hibernation early, but will not have the food supply necessary to survive. For example: Insects will eat a lot of forests and crops with no natural enemies. Without forests, global warming will become more and more sercious, creating a vicious cycle. No crops, means no human food. The greatest of global warming is at ice age like in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”, this is a scenario that take place. So we must do something to avoid these things from happening. First, we should use more and more clean energy and less oil and coal. Second, we should go to work by bus or on foot instead of driving. Third, we should plant more trees. The most important point is we should make a habit of saving energy in everyday life
3.One of the most serious problem in front of the world is the global warming.There are some reasons that can cause such a problem.First,people cut down trees and forests freely.Besides,people burn things everywhere - even it is not allowed.People waste things out of control is another reason.So,we should try our best to save things as much as we can.We should encourage others to do so.If we do it,the stage will be better.If we don't take any action,as the warld is becoming warmer and warmer,the water level is rising.It can cause subsidence and threaten people's activities
With the development of economy, more and more greenhouse gases are being discharged into the air. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases, which is considered to be one of the greatest causes of global warming. It has harmful effects, causing the sea level to rise and many natural disasters to strike. So we must take effective measures to save our planet. First, we should use more clean energy and less coal and oil. Second, we should go to work on foot or by bus instead of driving a car if possible. Third, we should plant more trees, because plants can turn CO2 into oxygen. More importantly, we should form the habit of saving energy in our daily life.With the development of economy, more and more greenhouse gases are being discharged into the air. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases, which is considered to be one of the greatest causes of global warming. It has harmful effects, causing the sea level to rise and many natural disasters to strike. So we must take effective measures to save our planet. First, we should use more clean energy and less coal and oil. Second, we should go to work on foot or by bus instead of driving a car if possible. Third, we should plant more trees, because plants can turn CO2 into oxygen. More importantly, we should form the habit of saving energy in our daily life. 我从别处贴来的
Global warming has quickly become one of the most heated issues. With the development of the economic, the emission of the green house gas, consisting of about 70% carbon dioxide, has been increased, attributing greatly to the global warming.
Global warming is the slow and steady increase in the temperature of earth and its atmosphere. The increase in the temperature of earth has caused many effects like the melting of ice in Polar Regions, increase in disease occurrences, drastic climatic changes and rise of the sea level.
As the effects of global warming is becoming more and more evident, many of us have started to realize that steps have to be taken to control Global warming, such as the usage of clean
energy resources and the alternative of motor.